June 15, 2009

“In Season, Out of Season”

Blessings Folk!!!

This summer at a pool-side gathering we are/will be examining the phrase “in season, out of season.” The truths therein are profound and for all, so I’ll be posting some of them during our times together here.

Paul was at the end of his life.
He had run the race.
He had been faithful.
Perfect? No way!!
But, faithful.

He was in prison.
His first prison experience had been relatively comfortable...house, guests, etc.
This time things were different.
He was cold.
He abandoned by most.
Apparently his court appearance had not gone well. He knew eternity was near.

The Spirit of the Lord moved upon him to write to Timothy. This is the letter that we call “2 Timothy.”

Paul was passing to his protege, and to us, the truths necessary...we will examine many.

Today, hear this.

We, true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, must be ready in season and out of season.
Let us look at this phrase by phrase….

2 Tim 4:1-3
1 I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus,

...this is not something that Paul was “making up.” He received this from Father God and Jesus Christ. This charge comes about because of the things he had written in the previous three chapters...we’ll check that out later. He gives further insight...

who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom:

Paul is charging Timothy, and us, by the One Who will judge all..the dead and the living...both in the corporeal and the spiritual sense. The Lord will judge unbelievers at the Great White Throne. The Lord will judge the saved at the Bema seat.
By His appearing and His kingdom Paul charges us.
This is serious.

2 preach the word;

Don’t let this scare you. Too often we think that we must become “a preacher” in the understanding that most of us have experienced in our lives.


Timothy was to “preach.”

We are to “preach” within the giftedness that the Lord releases within each of us.
This will be different with each believer.

We are to speak forth and live forth the truth of the Lord. Then...

be ready in season and out of season;

We must be ready to speak forth the truth..

  • in season...when expected..anticipated
  • out of seaon...unexpected time…”unprepared”
  • everywhere
  • anytime

Note that this is for each believer.

We must move beyond the days of the “let me take you to my pastor” mindset.

If a situation manifest before us, then the Lord wants to use us.

Now quickly, how are we to speak forth the Word in season and out of season?

reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.

We are to reprove...correct someone who is walking in ignorance.
We are to rebuke...correct someone walking in sin, rebellion, etc.
We are to exhort...encouragement is a mom helping her children. Exhortation is the football coach grabbing a players helmet, shaking and saying “you can do it...get in there!!”
We are to do this with great (all) patience.
We are to instruct constantly!

We will see much more later...but one more thought on which we will follow up tomorrow.

Why must we do this?

3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;...


As we will see, this is speaking to those who profess to be of the church.

Timothy was warned that the time will come.

I tell you, the time has arrived.

Sound doctrine, correct teaching of the truths of God, is not endured today.

Want to see a picture of what passes as sound doctrine today?

Want another? Gird your stomach...

Big church...30-40,000
Big smile…
Big book sales…
Big public relations…
Loved by the world…
“He must be blessed of God…”...humm….

Yet leading the world to everlasting condemnation in the lake of fire.
Leading the sheep astray.

...because he does not speak the truth of the Word.

I could point to more...many at the local level...that literally deny the Word of God...

More later.

As for now, seek the Lord. Confess. May we all be ready in season and out of season.


Today’s reading from the “So That’s Why” Bible consists of pp. 911-917.

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