"Short Mark"

December 25, 2013

“Short Mark”

Blessings Saints!

Today’s reading…

“blank”… ?

Well...this is interesting…

First, blessed Christmas...the celebration of the birth of the Lord Jesus.
True, nowhere in the Word are we commanded to celebrate the birth, etc.
But, the Word does give us much detail as to what happened and the response of various folk.

You will note that the reading today, #362, is blank.
It is called “the shorter ending of Mark”.
In other words, it is deleted.

This has been mentioned before.
Many within the professing Body of Christ do not believe that Mark 16:9-20 “belong” in the Word.
Care must be taken with such.
We do best to seek the Lord and His counsel, rather than the counsel and emotions of man.

I believe we should not remove the verses.
You will find them handled in various ways in different translations - some delete, some bracket the verses, some have extended footnotes.

I personally believe they “belong” in the Word and the Word will give us insight to the matter.

More tomorrow when we look at the “longer” ending.

For today, rejoice in the birth of the Lord.
Rejoice in His Presence in the true believer.
Aggressively await His return.