“You Divided and Hurled"

October 24, 2020

“You Divided and Hurled"

Blessings folk!

The people of the Lord are praying to Him, led by their leadership.

They are recounting what the Lord had done for them…

Neh 9:11
“You divided the sea before them,
So they passed through the midst of the sea on dry ground;
And their pursuers You hurled into the depths,
Like a stone into raging waters.

We know the story, but think for a moment.
Reflect upon it.

The Lord parted the sea before them.
He moved the water out of the way.

He then dried the ground.

The people passed through the midst of the sea…meaning, the water was on both sides of them as they walked across dry land.

They arrived safe on the other side.

Their pursuers chased them through the sea on the dry land.

The Lord brought the waters upon them.

Why then do we worry?
Why then do we fret?
If we are truly the Lord’s…
If we truly believe…
Then, we have nothing to fear.
The Lord is with us.
He will fight.
He will protect.
He is victorious!

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