"According to Your Faith"

April 6, 2013

“According to Your Faith”

Blessings Folk!

Today’s reading:

Matthew 9:27-31
Mark 10:46-52
Luke 18:35-43


We see a couple of accounts about Jesus healing the blind.

Two blind men.
They had heard about Jesus.
How do I know?
Why else would they have been crying out?

They cried for mercy.
A cry of faith...faith declared in the phrase “Son of David.”

Apparently Jesus did not immediately stop.
Upon arriving at a house the blind men made their way to Jesus.

Jesus asked an interesting question: “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”

Faith/belief has much to do with what we receive.

They answered in the affirmative.
Jesus touched their eyes.
Their eyes were open...according to their faith.

Jesus warns them to tell no one.
How does one who was once blind go about seeing and not explain. Happy

Bartimaeus is similar.
He declares “I want to receive my sight.”
Jesus states “Go, your faith has made you well.”

Faith is an intriguing thing.
Related to healing we see the faith of the affirmed, the faith of friends, the faith of parents, the faith of overlords, the faith of the Lord.
Is faith a thought?
Does faith require action?
Is faith a force?
Watch what the Word says about faith.
Walk by faith and not by sight.