“They Were Separated…”

February 23, 2020

“They Were Separated…”

Blessings folk!

Korah and company rebelled against Moses.

Moses sought the Lord.

The Lord told them all to gather the next day.
He would choose.

Num 16:8-11

Then Moses said to Korah, “Hear now, you sons of Levi,

is it not enough for you that the God of Israel has separated you from the rest of the congregation of Israel, to bring you near to Himself, to do the service of the tabernacle of the LORD, and to stand before the congregation to minister to them;

and that He has brought you near, Korah, and all your brothers, sons of Levi, with you?
And are you seeking for the priesthood also?

“Therefore you and all your company are gathered together against the LORD;
but as for Aaron, who is he that you grumble against him?”

Moses dealt with the issue.
The rebellious leadership were not satisfied with their “position”.

They were Levites.
They were separated by the God of Israel for a task.
They were separated from the congregation of Israel.
They were separated unto God so that He would bring them near to Himself.
They were separated to do the service of the tabernacle of the Lord.
They were separated to stand before the congregation to minister to them.

But they wanted more.

They wanted to be priests of the line of Aaron.

Moses tells them that they are gathering against the Lord.
Not against Moses.
Not against Aaron.
Against the Lord.

They were not grumbling against man.

They were grumbling against the Lord God.

Too many do so today…

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