"Bound Before the Political Powers"

November 28, 2013

“Bound Before the Political Powers”

Blessings folks!

Today’s reading:

Matthew 27:1-2
Mark 15:1
Luke 23:1
John 18:28
Jesus had been arrested by the religious rulers and hauled before the religious rulers.
They declared Him to be blasphemous. Apparently it was unanimous.
They wanted to kill Him, yet they did not have the authority to do so under the current political law of the day.

For this, they needed the cooperation of the government.

So, now Jesus is taken before the political powers that be.

The same occurs so often today.

The organizational church works hand-in-glove with the political governmental institutions of man...to the detriment of the organism of the Body of Christ.

We are in the world, but not of it.

There is nothing wrong with a true Believer being involved in government.
We need more.

But, the Church will never do the work of the Kingdom through the government.
Such is the error of many today.

Did you note the John passage? The Jews would not enter the Praetorium for that would have defiled them in their eyes. They would not have been able to eat the Passover later that day.
Strong evidence that the last meal Jesus had with His disciples was not Passover proper.

Give thanks for that which the Lord has done.