
June 10, 2013


Blessings folk!

Today’s reading:

Matthew 17:1-9
Mark 9:2-10
Luke 9:28-36

Yesterday we saw where Jesus stated that some before Him would not taste death before they saw Him in His glory.

It occurred six days later.

Always give close attention to timing elements mentioned in the Word.

You read the account. Think on these things.

The Lord took three with Him.
We do not know, though we do know what these three did after the Lord’s resurrection.
They were key to the Kingdom.

Jesus was praying.
Perhaps the three were praying also.
We do know that by the time of this event they were overcome with sleep.

  • became different
  • clothing of gleaming white

Two men were talking with Jesus - Moses and Elijah.
Why Moses and Elijah?
We do not know.
We do know it is what God wanted.
Likely Moses represent the Law while Elijah represented the prophets.

They appeared in glory.

Did you note the subject of the conversation?

The departure that Jesus was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.
Interesting conversation.

Peter and companions awaken and once fully awake they saw the glory of the Lord and those standing by him.

As Moses and Elijah were leaving Peter does what man always wants to do...got all religious.

He wanted to build three tabernacles - one for Jesus, one for Moses, one for Elijah.

The Word tells us He did not know what he was saying.
What was he saying?

He was equating the Lord Jesus with man.

While Peter was talking a cloud formed...the covering of Father.

God then spoke, “This is My Son, Chosen One; listen to Him!”
The disciples fell to the ground terrified.

Jesus was then alone.
He tells them to get up. Be not afraid.

They kept silent, as instructed, until the appropriate time...after the Son of Man has risen from the dead.

They wondered what rising from the dead meant…

Are you prepared to arise?