"Before Pilate"

November 30, 2013

“Before Pilate”

Blessings folk!

Today’s reading:

Matthew 27:11-14
Mark 15:2-5
Luke 23:2-5
John 18:29-38

Jesus had been tried before the religious rulers and found to be guilty of blasphemy.
They were wrong.
These rulers now determined to have Jesus executed.
They did not have this authority.
Only the Roman rulers, political, could grant such.
Therefore, the religious rulers created a fiction whereby Jesus was brought before the political leaders.

Jesus was now before the governor, Pilate.
Jesus refuse to answer the charges of the religious rulers brought against Him before Pilate. Pilate was amazed.
Jesus answered Pilate.

I suspect that Pilate was aware of what the religious rulers were doing.
While they presented twisted examples, he cut to the question - “Are You the King do the Jews?”
Jesus answered, “It is as you say.”
Pilate found no guilt.

Of course, the religious rulers accused Jesus of the very thing they were doing - stirring up the people.

The same occurs today.
So many are “stirred up” in the “name of the Lord”, yet it is for the building up of the personal agenda of religious rulers.

Play not that game.

Finally, we learn more of the Kingdom.
  • It is Jesus’
  • It is not of this world, not of this realm
  • Jesus has servants
  • Jesus was born for this Kingdom
  • Jesus testified the Truth of the Kingdom
  • Everyone who is of the Truth...the Kingdom...hears His voice.

Have you heard?
Are you of the Kingdom?
How have you responded?