"Are You the One?"

April 16, 2013

“Are You the One?”

Blessings Folk!

Today’s reading:
Matthew 11:2-6
Luke 7:18-23


Poignant moment.
Are you the One?
Why would John be doubting?
He declared, Behold the Lamb of God.
He testified that the One on Whom He saw the Spirit land was Him.

Why the question now?
Was it the intensity of the moment?
He was about to die...but he likely did not know that.

John preached repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
John preached judgment to come.

I suspect he anticipated the judgment to be now...quick.

The judgement is yet to come.

God’s is merciful.
God is patient.
He desires all to be saved.

Jesus stated that those who do not take offense at Him are blessed.
What does that mean?

Jesus was letting John, and the others, know that they were not to be offended by His timing, His work.

They were expecting judgment.
Judgment is coming.

They were expecting a Victorious Warrior Messiah.
He is coming.

They were expecting these things immediately.
We still await...the day draws ever closer.

Meanwhile, may we do the works of the Lord…
  • the blind see
  • the lame walk
  • the lepers are cleansed
  • the deaf hear
  • the dead are raised up
  • the poor have the gospel preached to them

Do not take offense at the Lord.