"What Should We Do?"

January 15, 2013

“What Should We Do?”

Blessings Folk!

Our reading for today is Luke 3:10-14


What an exciting passage!

The people were confessing and repenting of sins.
People from all areas of life...crowds, soldiers, bureaucrats.

We see an amazing truth here that is so often ignored in today’s “church”.

True repentance, confession and subsequent salvation will result in the individual desiring to change and to “do something”.

What we see today is not folk asking “What then shall we do?”, but rather, folk being told to do this, do that, to be a part of our group.

There is a difference.

Now, note what John told them.

  • clothing
  • food

Remember this. If you have extra of something...food, clothing, shelter...it is given to meet needs of others, especially the Body of Christ.

Don’t cheat…
  • collect no more than required
  • no violence
  • no false accuastion

Be Content!

John spoke to the specifics of those who inquired.

The principle we see is this.
A true transformation will be reflected in all areas of our life.

We are to manifest the Power of the Lord as we are going…

As we are going! So often we defer to the organization to meet needs.
As we are going!

Watch for such opportunities.
If it crosses your mind to pay for the groceries of the one in line behind you…
If you see someone who needs something...and you have extra of such...provide.

What then shall we do?
Meet needs.
Be content.

Just do it.