“Now, God…Arise, Let…”

July 10, 2020

“Now, God…Arise, Let…”

Blessings folk!

Solomon comes to the end of his prayer…

2 Ch 6:40-42

“Now, O my God, I pray,
let Your eyes be open and Your ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.

“Now therefore arise, O LORD God, to Your resting place, You and the ark of Your might;
let Your priests, O LORD God, be clothed with salvation
and let Your godly ones rejoice in what is good.

“O LORD God, do not turn away the face of Your anointed;
remember Your lovingkindness to Your servant David.”

Solomon asked for the Lord to be attentive to his prayer.
Eyes/ears open and attentive.
The Lord God is Spirit.
Solomon used “anthropomorphic” phrasing to express an idea - the attributing of human/created elements to the Most High.

Solomon then stated “now therefore”…now, in light of all my prayer…”Arise, Lord…”
Rather presumptuous?
A request for the Lord to arise “to Your resting place” - the Holy of Holies.
The Most High and His Ark of Might (that gives us some insight into the Ark).

Solomon asked the Lord to clothe the priest with salvation, to let the godly rejoice.

Then, lastly, Solomon asked the Lord to not turn away His face from him.
His anointed King.
He ask the Lord to remember His lovingkindness to His servant David.
To remember through Solomon.

Solomon had poured out his heart to the Lord.

Wonder what the response will be…?

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