
March 18, 2013


Blessings Folk!

Today’s reading:

Matthew 4:24-5:2
Mark 3:7-13a
Luke 6:17-20a


Jesus voiced the Kingdom of God everywhere.
He preached.
He taught.
He shared.
He discussed.
He debated.
He listened.

Upon the mountain.
By the sea.
On the plain.
On the way.
In the wood.
In homes.
In the Temple court.

We should do likewise.

To what purpose?

Note why the people came.
To hear Him.
To be healed of Him.

The same is true today.

People desire to hear from Him...not from man, not from an organizational agenda...from Him.

People desire to be healed of Him...in the same way we see in the Word.
Healing from physical afflictions.
Healing from demonic indwelling.

In Luke we see that those who are vexed with unclean spirits were being healed.

I know many, many that are vexed and who are trying to “control” their vexation (is that a word?) through chemical alteration of their Body.

They need the healing of the Lord.

We are the vessels of the very Presence of God.
We are the vessels whereby the Power of God for healing is released.
We, as true believers, are indwelled by the Most High.

What does He desire to do through you today?
Do it.