“Fountain of Life”

December 22, 2021

“Fountain of Life”

Blessings folk!

Repeatedly the Proverbist is teaching of wisdom, knowledge, wickedness and foolishness.

The Truth continues…

Pro 13:14-16
The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life,
To turn aside from the snares of death.

Good understanding produces favor,
But the way of the treacherous is hard.

Every prudent man acts with knowledge,
But a fool displays folly.

A “fountain of life”.
Man has searched for it for millennia.

The Word tells us where it is!
It is in the teaching of the wise.
Such will turn one aside/away from the snares of death.
Such good understanding will produce favor - in the eyes of the Lord.
Such knowledge will bring prudence (not prudishness) into the life of a man.

Who is the one who rejects this teaching?
The fool.
The one who displays folly.
The one who is treacherous.
The one on the hard way.

Do you receive wise teaching?
Do you receive from the Word?
Do you receive from the Spirit?
Do you receive from the Body?

Receive of the fountain of Life that the Lord has for each.
Turn from death to life.

To His praise, glory and honor…

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