
April 19, 2021


Blessing saints!

Blessed Patriot’s Day to you.

You likely do not know what that is…that’s ok.
Check out what has happened through the years on April 19.
Dig deep…some things are hidden/banned now-a-days.

Paul was speaking a needed Word to the Thessalonians.

We need it even more, as some of you have replied!

We saw where Paul had said “not willing to work, you do not eat”…

2 Th 3:10
For even when we were with you,
we used to give you this order:
if anyone is not willing to work,
then he is not to eat, either.

This is a serious problem in our society.

Many are being slow boiled and do not know it…ask the frog in the pot.

Even true Believers are buying into the lie of “support” by governmental entities.

Give me an example of that ever working out.

Paul was not finished.

2 Th 3:11-12
For we hear that some among you are leading an undisciplined life,
doing no work at all,
but acting like busybodies.

Now we command and exhort such persons in the Lord Jesus Christ to work peacefully
and eat their own bread.

Paul had heard about some of their undisciplined sloth.
Some were doing no work at all.
They were “acting like busybodies”.
I like this definition of the Greek word “busybody” - “to bustle about uselessly, to busy one's self about trifling, needless, useless matters.”
That’s about it.

Paul commanded such to quit.

He exhorted them to…
- work peacefully
- eat their own bread

The phrase “we command and exhort such persons in the Lord Jesus Christ…”

Was Paul speaking to those “in the Lord Jesus Christ”?
Was Paul speaking “in the Lord Jesus Christ”?

I suspect both.

Reject the largesse of the world and press on in the faith of the Lord.


Watch what the Lord does!

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