
July 24, 2016


Blessings folk!

The Lord had declared judgment upon the serpent.

Now, His Word to Woman…

Gen 3:16

To the woman He said,
“I will greatly multiply
Your pain in childbirth,
In pain you will bring forth children;
Yet your desire will be for your husband,
And he will rule over you.”

The Lord declared these things over Woman…

her pain in childbirth would be greatly multiply…apparently this true. Happy Happy There seems to have been some pain involved with birth prior to this? But, now, in pain would children come forth.

her desire would be for her husband. This is speaking not as much from a physical desire, but Woman would desire to usurp the role of Man. She now would have a feeling/emotion that she did not have before. Rebellion was now in the relationship. The next part of the phrase clarifies this…

he (Man) will rule over you

Woman came from Man’s side
Man and Woman were side by side and all that can be gleaned from that

The multiplied pain carries the idea of bearing the fruit of rebellion…the price of sin.
The Man ruling over Woman was God establishing His relational government in a rebellious world.

Man and Woman had rebelled.
They would now pay a price.

But wait! There is more…