"Free Indeed"

September 2, 2013

“Free Indeed”

Blessings folk!

Today’s reading:

John 8:30-36
Jesus spoke.
Many believed.

The same occurs today.
If the Words of Jesus are proclaimed, many believe.

Sadly, many also believe the words of man.
Words that create kingdoms of man rather than the Kingdom of God.
Words that create slaves.
Words that bind, kill, destroy.
Words that do not bring the freedom of the Lord but rather the false religious systems of man.

Did you note who Jesus was addressing?
Jews who believed.

Jesus told them that if they continued in His Word then they are truly His disciples.
The proof of their belief would be their faithfulness.
Continuation in His word would bring forth knowledge of the truth.
The truth would make them free.

They had no problem with gaining truth.
Their hackles were raised with the declaration that they would be free.

They thought they we already free.
They declared that as Abraham’s descendants they had never been enslaved to anyone.


We know that historically/politically they had been slaves.
Even then they were under “another government”.

Were they speaking of being free within their relationship with the Lord?
Abraham’s children?

But, Jesus clarified.

He was speaking of sin.
Spiritual, not national.
Spiritual, not lineage.

If one commits sin, then he is a slave to sin.
Truth will set us free from sin.

The Son makes us free.
Therefore, we are free indeed.

Are you free?
Are you bound in religious weights that often pass as “freedom”?

Today, be set free.
Today, allow the truth of the Most High to set you free.