"Lost His Mind"

April 26, 2013

“Lost His Mind…”

Blessings Folk!

Today’s reading:

Mark 3:19b-21

When Jesus came home such a crowd gathered that they could not eat a meal.

Jesus’ family was concerned.
They thought He had lost His senses.
They thought He had lost His mind.
They thought He was beside Himself.

This was His family.

If we truly live the life of the Kingdom, then some of our family and friends will think we have lost our minds.

The world will definitely think so.

Such will be used by the forces of evil against us.

It is already occurring.

The day will soon be upon us when faith in the Lord and living the Life of the Kingdom will be considered “mental illness”. Attempts will be made to “quarantine” and “concentrate” the believing populace.

Do not doubt.

Small, incremental steps have been taking place for years, usually in the guise of “code”, “regulation”, “for the children” and “for public safety”.

Determine today to stand strong in the faith.

Fear not when people think you have “lost your mind”.

Do as Jesus did.