
July 2, 2013


Blessings Folk!

Today’s reading:

Luke 10:29-37

Most folk, even non-believers, know the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Few know the context.

A lawyer, a Pharisee sent by the Pharisees to test Jesus, questioned Jesus.
“What shall I do to inherit eternal life?”
Jesus answered.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.
Love your neighbor as yourself.

The lawyer now sought to “justify himself.”
Curious wording.
“Justify himself.”
To explain his life.
To explain his actions.
To explain his thoughts.
To explain his motivation.

The lawyer sought to justify himself by asking “And who is my neighbor?”
One can nearly hear the condescending nature of the question dripping from his lips.

Jesus then tells the parable.
You know the story.
You just refreshed your memory by reading it.

A man was robbed, beaten, left half dead by the side of a road.
By chance, a priest passes by...on the other side of the road...he would not help.
Then a Levite passed by...on the other side of the road...refusing to help.
Then a Samaritan - despised by the Jews - came upon him.
The Samaritan felt compassion.
He came to the injured.
He bandaged his wounds.
He took him to an inn to recover.
He covered the costs.
He showed mercy.

The religious rulers - the priest and Levite - felt no compassion.
They showed no mercy.

Today, nothing has changed.

Do as Jesus said.
Go and do the same.
Show mercy.
Bandage the hurting.
Feed the hungry.
Cover the costs.