“Delight In the Lord”

April 27, 2021

“Delight In the Lord”

Blessings folk!

Well, that is interesting.

The oligarchical-information-controlling-powers-that-be fact-checked the Psalm 37 comments from yesterday.

Click here.

I have no doubt that the enemy does not want us to know these truths.
- That we are to trust in the Lord
- That we are to do good
- That we are to live in the land
- That we are to cultivate faithfulness
- That we are not to be upset nor envious of wrongdoers
- That wrongdoers will be done away with…

So, we press on.

The next verse tells us what to do…

Psa 37:4
Delight yourself in the LORD;
And He will give you the desires of your heart.

We are to “delight” ourselves in the Lord.
Not in the soul.
Not in the flesh.
In the Lord.

We are to take pleasure in the Lord.

If we delight in the Lord, then something will happen.

The Lord will give you the desires of your heart.

Not because your heart is pure.
Not because you “get what you want”.
But rather, our heart will be aligned with what the Lord desires to do.

Delight in the Lord=heart aligned with desires of the Lord.

The Word gives us warning about asking with the wrong motive of heart.

Jas 4:3
You ask and do not receive,
because you ask with the wrong motives,
so that you may spend what you request on your pleasures.

Determine today to delight in the Lord, in nothing else.

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