"Follow Me"

April 3, 2013

“Follow Me”

Blessings Folk!
Today’s reading:
Matthew 9:9-13
Mark 2:13-17
Luke 5:27-32

Jesus calls all into the Kingdom.

Here we have an example of Jesus calling someone who was especially despised.
Matthew (Levi) was a Jew.
Matthew worked for the “enemy” - the oppressive Roman government.
Matthew was a bureaucrat, a tax collector.
Matthew was greatly hated.

Yet Jesus saw something.

We can learn so much from watching how Jesus did things “as He went.”
He saw Matthew.
He called Matthew to follow Him.
(The recent miniseries “The Bible” presented this account in an excellent way.)

Jesus called.
Matthew followed.

But, Matthew did more.
He called all of his friends and hosted a large banquet for the Lord.
He wanted his folk to experience Messiah.

There was a great crowd of tax collectors and sinners.
Jesus went.

So many will have nothing to do with those that are sinners.
This is wrong.

I know of local “churches” that will literally “fire” “their pastor” if he fellowships with the “wrong” portion of the Body of Christ.

Jesus did not play these games.
He went where Father directed.

Jesus ate and drank with sinners.
He ate and drank the food set before Him.

Of course the religionist had a fit.
They grumbled at Jesus’ disciples.
But Jesus addressed the grumbling.
Jesus came for those who are sick.
Jesus came not to call the righteous...but to call sinners to repentance.

We should live likewise.

It will often not be comfortable...especially due to the religionist...but God honors manifested love.