“Insignificant Hardship?”

May 29, 2020

“Insignificant Hardship?”

Blessing folk!

The people continue to cry to the Lord.

They had spoken of the sin of their father.
They had spoken of their sin.
They had requested things of the Lord.

Neh 9:32

“Now therefore, our God, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God,
who keeps covenant and lovingkindness,
Do not let all the hardship seem insignificant before You,
Which has come upon us, our kings, our princes, our priests, our prophets,
our fathers and on all Your people,
From the days of the kings of Assyria to this day.

We get some timing here.

The Lord had brought the Assyrians against His people.
They conquered the northern kingdom by 721 BC.
It is now roughly a couple of hundred years later.

Note how the people describe the Lord:
Our God
Covenant keeping

Note what they asked…
They did not want the hardship of the years to seem insignificant before the Lord.

Think on that.
Gives some insight how they viewed the Lord and themselves.

They wanted the Lord to move in action…

So do we…

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