“Precious In the Sight of the Lord”

June 3, 2019

“Precious In the Sight of the Lord”

Blessings folk!

Many are grieving and rejoicing at the home-going of loved ones.

Some were older.
Some were younger.
All are in the hands of the Most High God.

Death is a part of life.
The Word says much about such.

Give heed to what the Word says about those who die “in the Lord”…the holy ones…the “saints”.

Psa 116:15
Precious in the sight of the LORD
Is the death of His godly ones.

Psa 116:15
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

Death of the godly ones is precious in the sight of the Lord.

It is a special time.
It is a precious time.
It is a temporary time of separation for believers.

We rejoice in the believers that have gone before us.
They are now a part of the great cloud of witnesses.

Yes, we grieve.
Yes, we miss them.
Yes, we rejoice that the pain and suffering of this life have passed.
Yes, we anticipate a reunion soon.

Rest in the Lord.
Trust in the Lord.
Rejoice in the Lord.
