“We Are Slaves…”

May 31, 2020

“We Are Slaves…”

Blessings folk!

The Levites now conclude their prayer unto the Lord.

Read carefully.
Sound familiar?

Neh 9:36-37

“Behold, we are slaves today,
And as to the land which You gave to our fathers to eat of its fruit and its bounty,
Behold, we are slaves in it.

“Its abundant produce is for the kings
Whom You have set over us because of our sins;
They also rule over our bodies
And over our cattle as they please,
So we are in great distress.

They were slaves.
Slaves in the land that was given to their fathers.
They were to eat its fruit and its bounty, yet they were slaves.

Most of us are slaves.
We do not know it.
We think we are free.
We are not.
We believe the lies.
We do not know who we are in the Lord.

The abundant produce of the land was for the kings.
So it is today.

The kings had been set over them because of their sins.
So it is today.

The kings ruled over their bodies.
So it is today.

The kings ruled over the cattle.
So it is today.

The kings did as they please.
So it is today.

They were in great distress.
So it is today.

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