“Shine, Strength, Action”

April 15, 2020

“Shine, Strength, Action”

Blessings folk!

Do not fear!

Are you preparing?

Not in the flesh, but in the Lord.

Are you growing in His Might and Power?

Are you growing in the Spirit?

Are you growing in Him?


Because the Lord is about to use His Body in ways we could have never imagine…
In/through things we could have never imagined…

The Word tells us about such times.

Dan 12:3
“Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven,
and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.

The Lord shines through us.
He gives insight.
He will lead many to righteousness.
He brings enlightenment, illumination, revelation, etc.

The immediate context of this particular verse is the “Last Days/Endtimes” situation of Israel, but the principle applies.

Earlier the Lord had revealed to Daniel…

Dan 11:32
“By smooth words he will turn to godlessness those who act wickedly toward the covenant,
but the people who know their God will display strength and take action.

Many will be the wicked.
Many will be their smooth words.

But know this.

The People of the Lord will display strength.
The People of the Lord will take actions,.
The People of the Lord will manifest the Power and Presence of the Lord.

Sadly, many will be the supposed “people of the Lord” who will be revealed as false-believers, false-professors.

Their “religiosity” will be set aside and collapse in the face of evil.

They will be revealed to be the frauds they are.

But now, there is still time to “get right”.
There is time to prepare in the Lord.
There is time to repent, confess, turn to Him and allow Him to make straight the path.

Where do you stand?

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