“Better Than Abundance”

May 4, 2021

“Better Than Abundance”

Blessings folk!

Fear not the wicked!

Pursue righteousness and holiness!

The Lord knows.
His eyes are upon us.

Hear the Word of the Psalmist…

Psa 37:16

Better is the little of the righteous
Than the abundance of many wicked.

Righteousness is better than wickedness.

It is better to be righteous and have little than to be wicked and have abundance.

This is not saying that one can not have abundance and be righteous.

Most of us, at this moment, have more abundance than most of mankind has ever had.

The issue is of the heart.

Are you pursuing righteousness?
Or, are you envious of the wicked and being tempted to pursue abundance that way?

Allow the Spirit to search your heart.
