“He Caused. He Guided.”

August 17, 2021

“He Caused. He Guided.”

Blessings folk!

We saw yesterday that Psalm 107 describes how sailors cry out to the Lord in times of trouble and turmoil on the sea.

They cry to the Lord in their distress.
The Lord answers them.

Psa 107:29
He caused the storm to be still,
So that the waves of the sea were hushed.

Think on that!

The Lord stills the storm.
The Lord hushes the waves.
He did.
He still does.
He did in the natural.
He does in the natural.
The natural seen realm.
The natural unseen realm.

How do they then respond?

Psa 107:30
Then they were glad because they were quiet,
So He guided them to their desired haven.

They were glad when the storm and sea were quiet.
Ya reck’n?!

Not only did the Lord calm the situation, He then guided them to their “desired haven.”

He does the same for us.
When the storms come, He will quiet and calm…in His time. LOL
He will guide us…if we let Him.

Be glad.
Trust Him.

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