
September 29, 2013


Blessings folk!

Today’s reading:

Matthew 21:18-19
Mark 11:12-14
Luke 13:6-9

This is an interesting account.

Jesus was returning to Jerusalem.
It was morning.
He was hungry.
He saw a leafy fig tree and went to eat of it, though it was not the season for figs.

When He found no figs, He declared that the tree would not longer bear fruit.
It “at once” withered”.
Jesus was hoping to find some remnant for fruit.
Fruit from a past season.
But none was found.

Was he angry?
But, without sin.

His disciples saw and heard this.

The point?

We are to be fruitful.

Often in the Word the fig tree represents Israel.

Israel had not be fruitful and faithful.

Are we?