
June 2, 2014


Blessings folk!

Jesus commanded us to see to it that no one deceives us.
Again, we have responsibility.

If we do not adhere to the Truth of the Lord we will be deceived.
Here is an example:

Jesus then gave another “see to it”.
We are to see it that we are not frightened.

Read the following.
Of what are we not to be frightened?

Matthew 24:6
6 You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.

We are not to be frightened by wars and rumors of wars.

Such will take place. We will hear about it.
Such has always occurred beginning with Cain.

Note that Jesus says this thing “must take place”.

Wars and rumors of war are to be expected.
They are a part of the “end-times”.

But, they are not the end.

As we will see tomorrow, these are just the beginning.

Are you preparing?
Do you live in anxiety?
Do you succumb to fear?
Do you alter your consciousness to “deal with anxiety/fear/‘nerves’”?

It is only in the Lord that peace is found.
Practice the Peace and Presence of the Lord today.